Heat Tracing System

Heat Tracing System

Electric Heat Tracing system is required for all products which are required to be kept at temperature more than atmospheric temperature. In india predominantly it is required for heavy fuel oil,crude piping and tanks. Industry wise refineries, petrochemical plants, process industries, thermal power plants. Steel plants, cement plants , sugar industries have this requirement.

Techzol can design the tracing system by recommending the tracer technology and execute complete turnkey job comprising of design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of entire electric heat tracing system


  • Self-limiting, self-regulating Heat Tracers.
  • Customized Drum Heater/ Heating Jacket.
  • Power Limiting Heat Tracers.
  • Series/Parallel Resistance Constant Wattage Heat Tracer.
  • Skin Effect current tracing for transfer pipeline.
  • Frost Heave prevention Heat Tracers.
  • Mineral insulated Heat Tracer for High Temperature Application.

About Us

Techzol International is having core competence of providing most reliable & cost effective solutions in field of electric heat tracing, heated tubing bundles, floor heating, door heating, ETP and electric heating systems in diversified industries like oil refineries, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Paint, Gas Processing, Cement, Food Processing etc.

Contact Us

Office Address:
Techzol International
D-59,Ground Floor COE Building , Office No-03, Sector 63 Noida-201301

Work :
Plot No 257,KH. No 1343,
Meerut road Industrial Area, Ghaziabad(U.P)-201003
